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Reminder in Changing Dues Prices Online


This is a friendly reminder that if your chapter or district are looking to update your dues pricing for the upcoming year, it's important to update your eBiz profile very soon! For our Canadian organizations, no action is needed on your part. Chapters or Districts not changing their dues prices for the upcoming year, no action is needed on your part, either! 

The Barbershop Harmony Society is proud to report that we did not raise dues prices for the 2017 year.

As a general reminder, it is not necessary to contact Society Headquarters to change your dues (Chapter or District) prices. 

Here is a guide link to changing dues rates if your chapter or district has voted to change the price of dues: CLICK HERE

Authorized officers for making changes to chapter level dues prices: 

  • Chapter -- President, Secretary, Secretary (online substitute), Treasurer
  • District -- President, Secretary, Treasurer

Authorized officers for making changes to district level dues prices:

  • District -- President, Secretary, Treasurer

Due to the fact that we create invoices well in advance of due date, the following policy will be in effect:

In order to implement dues rate changes that are expected to be effective 1/1/2017, the changes
 MUST be made before 11/1/2016 (more than 60 days in advance as has always been our practice). We will be running invoices for January in November and the amounts must be in the system prior to running the invoices. Attempted changes with a start date within 60 days will not be accepted by the computer system.

As always, if you need additional assistance or have further questions, please contact or You can also call our offices at (800) 876-SING