Experienced, innovative presenters
Greg Caetano

Greg Caetano joined BHS in 1986 and has served multiple Chapter, District and Society roles including Chapter President, District President and Society Board Member. Greg is also a BHS facilitator and has served on Harmony University faculty in the Leadership curriculum.
Joe Cerutti

Joe Cerutti has been the artistic director of the Alexandria Harmonizers since 2007. During his tenure he has prepared the Harmonizers for an average of 20 performances a year, including multiple performances at the White House, the Supreme Court, Carnegie Hall, and major cities across North America and abroad. He also founded their annual Youth Harmony Festival and initiated successful outreach programs to the communities within Northern Virginia. In 2023, while celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Alexandria Harmonizers, Cerutti oversaw the successful launch of Metro Voices, a treble companion chorus to the Harmonizers.
Joe has been a BHS staffer since 2014, in the areas of outreach, music education, leadership development and engagement. He has served at Harmony University many years as a faculty member and dean. Joe is a BHS certified Musicality Judge. In 2024, Joe was honored by BHS with the Joe Liles Lifetime Achievement Award for excellence in leadership.
Rob MacDonald

Rob is a 43-year BHS member, and a founding member of the Calgary Foothills Chapter, where he served many years as chapter President and Secretary. He is currently the VP of Music and Performance. He currently sings bass with Acappella Road.
Rob was President of the Evergreen District 2015-16, served 7 years as a Board member, including Director of Events. He now serves on the District Events Team.
Rob joined the BHS Leadership Operations Team in 2015 and brought 25 years of Leadership, Team and Organizational Development experience and content. He is an LOPT and Certified Facilitator and has served as HU Faculty, HCNW Faculty, Leadership Academy Facilitator and volunteer consultant to Harmony Hall staff.
Terry Reynolds

Terry Reynolds has held numerous positions with the Barbershop Harmony Society, serving on the Leadership Operations Project Team (LOPT), Chorus Director Development Committee, as a Certified Trainer for Chorus Director Workshop Intensive (CDWI), and on the Leadership Academy Training Faculty for President and for Music and Performance.
He has been a member of the Alexandria Harmonizers since 1992 and has served in numerous musical and leadership positions including Executive Director, President, and Music & Performance VP. He has been Associate or Assistant Director for over 20 years.
Steve Wyszomierski

Steve has been involved in BHS leadership training for the past 30 years. So, in is words, "While we could talk of the good old days, I would rather talk with you about strategies to grow and sustain your organization moving forward.
"My resume includes numerous chapter and District offices in the Johnny Appleseed District, and I served as JAD President in 2015-16. I served as chair of the BHS Leadership Operations Team (LOPT) from its inception in 2010 until it was dissolved in 2022. Though formally dissolved, I still assist districts in assembling and faculty selection for their leadership training schools. The THINK program is also still conducted. It is a facilitator-driven study to assist chapters in discovering their identity and building complementary programs to ensure success of that identity.
"This summer I will proudly receive my 50-year BHS membership pin. If nothing I've said starts a conversation between us, we can just talk at length about my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers."