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International Chorus Contest

2025 International Chorus Contest Order of Appearance

Friday, July 4, 2025

Mic tester: The Phoenicians (FWD)

1VocaMotion (NED)
2Fog City Singers (FWD)
3Lux A Cappella (BABS)
4Parkside Melody (MAD)
5New Tradition (ILL)
6Great River Voices (CAR)
7Music City Chorus (SHD)
9Sound of Tennessee (SHD)
10The Lockers (JBC)
11Vox Canvas (BHA)
12Vocal Majority (SWD)
13Voices of Gotham (MAD)
14Voices Unlimited (ONT)
15SmorgasChorus (CSD)
16Forward Harmony (LOL)
17Pacific Connection (BHNZ)
18Visions of Harmony (CSD)
19HD Chorus (SUN)
20Men of Independence (JAD)
21Vocal Summit (EVG)

Saturday, July 5, 2025

Mic Tester: Next Generation Barbershop Varsity Chorus

22BHS Dream Chorus (BHS)
23Sirens of Gotham (MAD)
24City Lights Chorus (PIO)
25East Coast Sound (MAD)
26Northern Stars Chorus (SNOBS)
27Stockholm City Voices (SNOBS)
28Central Standard (CSD)
29Fog City Harmonia (FWD)
30Vocal Confluence (JAD)
31Amersham A Capella (LABBS)
32Saltaires (RMD)
33Masters of Harmony (FWD)
34True North Chorus (MAD)
35Great Lakes Chorus (PIO)
36Cheshire Chord Company (LABBS)
37The Recruits (CSD)
38Land of the Sky Chorus (NSC)
39Sound of the Rockies (RMD)

Swan song: The Westminster Chorus