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Heart Healthy Chapters

President Dan Sullivan writes that after several years of saying that he would like to sing barbershop, he finally joined the North Georgia Barbershop Singers and is enjoying it immensely. Even when he sings an off-key note or sings the wrong words, it can’t detract from how good singing makes him feel.  Writing in the Lake Lanier Chapter bulletin, Down Our Way, Dan says he "leaves every rehearsal uplifted, buoyed by a flurry of endorphins flooding through my body."

Singing is good for your body and soul. Scientists have found that not only does singing in a chorus or choir make you feel good, it’s got other good health benefits. They found that singing has a dramatic effect on heart rate, which is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.  They also found that with singing, you have regular, controlled breathing.  Breathing out occurs on the song phrases as well as inhaling. Further, it helps you relax.

Singing delivers a host of physical and emotional benefits, including increased aerobic exercise, improved breathing, posture, mindset, confidence and self-esteem. While singing alone is good, singing with others can be even better. People recovering from depression, arthritis, surgery, dealing with the effects of cancer and many other ailments find it a real help as they work through their recovery period.

Sometimes Dan comes to chorus rehearsal feeling pretty depressed, and while singing doesn’t always solve his personal issues, it makes him feel a million times better.   "Science doesn’t lie, singing really is great for your health," Dan opines.  "In the words of Ella Fitzgerald, 'THE ONLY THING BETTER THAN SINGING – IS MORE SINGING.' ”