Harmony blossoms at first Japan Barbershop convention
A community hungry for barbershop staged its first national event, reports Blair Brown.

I had the pleasure of attending the first Japanese Barbershop Convention in Yokohama, Japan, August 23-25, 2024 as a panel judge in the Performance Category along with fellow certified Barbershop Harmony Society judges, Dan Wessler (MUS), and Steve Scott (SNG).

The energy and enthusiasm around this contest was electric. It was a thrill to witness this highly anticipated historic event. A team of dedicated volunteers contributed tirelessly to bring the convention to fruition and their efforts resulted in a deeply impactful and successful weekend of harmony and fun!

Japan has a thriving barbershop community. While some folks I met at the convention told me they’d been barbershopping for 40+ years, I was floored by the number of young people and new barbershoppers I met. It seemed like nearly everyone I spoke with was doing double-duty: competing in the contest (usually in multiple ensembles) while also volunteering to help the convention happen in one way or another. This collaborative spirit was also evident in the competitors' overwhelming support for each other. It was a joy to experience this warm encouragement and celebration of other ensembles which set the tone for the contest.

I was so impressed with the quality of singing and consistent level of musicianship on display throughout the convention weekend. With the help of translators, the other judges and I provided feedback sessions, during which we were in awe of competitors’ eagerness to learn new skills and hone their barbershop craft. For many, it was their first time competing in a BHS contest and that excitement made for such a fun and collaborative feedback environmenT.

This community is hungry for MORE BARBERSHOP and will continue to make its mark in Japan and beyond. Our international barbershop community is more interconnected than ever. I met one young man in Japan who had just competed with The Lockers Chorus (JBC 2024 Chorus Champions) and was preparing to relocate to Denver, CO. He’s in Denver now and has already checked out a Sound of the Rockies rehearsal. We’re all in this together and it's so encouraging to see barbershop harmony being celebrated and embraced all around the world. Together we truly can Keep the Whole World Singing!

Blair Brown is a BHS Performance Judge.