New Music! 2022 Songwriter Collaboration with Here Comes Treble
NEW COMPOSITiONS, NEW ARRANGEMENTS! — As premiered by Here Comes Treble from Burlington (WI) High School

In partnership with Nashville Songwriters Association International, the Barbershop Harmony Society commissioned new works that bring together a songwriter, an arranger, and a high school chorus to deliver an unforgettable set of performances not just for the audience, but for the kids themselves. (Read more in the September 2021 Harmonizer.)
For the 2022 Invitational, Nashville songwriter Dewey Longuski was paired with Here Comes Treble, from Burlington High School in Wisconsin, directed by Penny Yanke, and arranger Larry Triplett.
Meet the creators
Songwriter Dewey Longuski
Dewey Longuski's songs and jingles have been heard on radio and television stations throughout Michigan and he made national news in 2011 when Trace Adkins named him the winner of a songwriting contest following his performance at the Hard Rock Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee.
In 2014 Dewey founded his music production company, Dewey's Ditties, LLC. He has been a Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) member since August 2017; to date, thirty of his songs have been listed as “Ones to Watch” by NSAI.
Arranger Larry Triplett
Larry Triplett earned B.A. and M.A. degrees in music education at UCLA and taught high school band and choir for 5 years before a career shift into the business world. As a Barbershopper, he has directed 3 chapter choruses, and currently direct 2 district-wide inter-chapter choruses, both of which have competed on the international stage. An avid quartet singer, he has won 3 district senior championships. Larry is chair of music for the 10 active Harmony Brigades, helping to coordinate the song selections by a group of talented local leaders. As an arranger, he has more than 100 charts at and via the Harmony Marketplace.
Tracks producer Steve Wolf
Learning track producer Steve Wolf is the Director of Music at East Haven High School in Connecticut. He earned his bachelor's degree in music education from the Hartt School of Music. A two-time Northeastern District quartet champ, , Steve currently sings with Destination. See Steve's library of hundreds of learning tracks for barbershop groups, choirs, and schools at
Here Comes Treble
Here Comes Treble is a women's chorus from Burlington High School in Burlington, Wisconsin. Burlington High School also had a men's group do barbershop this year as well. Under the direction of Penny Yanke, this is their second year participating in Next Generation Barbershop Junior events.
The Songs
"More Music"
Dewey on writing the song: “More Music” is about finding a common denominator that we can all agree on. Although music by itself won’t be the healing ointment society needs, it can be a great first step to get conversations started.
Watch the Here Comes Treble High School Choir sing "More Music"
Preview the tracks for "More Music" on SoundCloud
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"More Music"
words & music by Dewey Longuski
SATB arr. by Larry Triplett
voices SSAA
"Here’s To Adventure"
Dewey on writing the song: This song was inspired by my life after college when I was ready to take on the world and experience all that I could. Getting out of my comfort zone and not being afraid to fail was –and still is -a great way to live life.
Watch Here Comes Treble sing "Here’s To Adventure"
Preview the tracks for "Here’s To Adventure" on SoundCloud
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"Here's To Adventure"
words & music by Dewey Longuski
SATB arr. by Larry Triplettt
voices SSAA
"Dream Vacation"
Dewey on writing the song: There are many places that I have dreamed about visiting over the years–some only exist in the past and others in faraway parts of the world. These dreams can sometimes be a great escape to worries and cares of the daily grind.boosts#toggleFormOnEscOrEnter" data-boosts-adding-class="boosts--adding" data-boosts-deleting-class="boost--deleting">boosts#expandForm" aria-label="Add a boost" data-boosts-target="label"
Watch Here Comes treble sing "Dream Vacation"
Preview the tracks for "Dream Vacation" on Soundcloud
Buy now

"Dream Vacation"
words & music by Dewey Longuski
SATB arr. by Larry Triplett
voices SSAA
Donors to the Barbershop Harmony Society bring life-changing experiences to the barbershop world.

This collaboration between BHS and the Nashville Songwriters Association International enfolds all of the ways BHS is making an imapct today:
- Energizing young singers with unique artistic experiences
- Supporting music educators by offering exciting destination experiences that build choral programs
- Preserving barbershop harmony by expanding the barbershop repertoire with new commissions
- Supporting singing communities by showcasing new ensembles and possibilities for collaboration
The songwriters project was made possible by underwriting from patrons like you. Learn more about supporting youth, educators and preservation at