BHS Statement on Harassment
The Barbershop Harmony Society does not condone harassing or threatening behavior toward any individual.
As noted in the BHS Code of Ethics, “We shall exhibit a spirit of good fellowship toward all members and strive to resolve any conflicts with civility and respect.”
Whether communicating in a BHS channel, in a public or private social media setting, or by sending messages directly, people should always treat each other with dignity, while acknowledging their differences.
BHS cannot — and should not—monitor every private communication or intervene in every setting. While BHS cannot control non-members' actions, BHS members have agreed and should exhibit qualities that adhere to our core values and statements of affirmation.
Person-to-person social media forums are subject to moderation by their owners and by providers’ terms of service. We encourage all forums to create and support harmony in a healthy and productive manner.
Harassing or threatening behavior may also be subject to legal or criminal action depending on jurisdiction. Please notify local authorities immediately if you ever feel threatened or unsafe.
Learn more about the BHS Code of Ethics, Statements of Affirmation, and reporting processes.