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Top 5 Challenges for the Adult Music Student and How to Overcome Them

Top 5 Challenges for the Adult Music Student and How to Overcome Them

The reasons adults have trouble making time to learn sound strangely familiar... as in, "why I could never sing."

Writing on publisher Alfred Music's blog, Dave Issacs highlights self-defeating beliefs of many adult learners.

  1. I should have started when I was a kid.
  2. I’m not talented, I just like music.
  3. I don’t need to be that good.
  4. I know how to do that already.
  5. I don’t have enough time.

Which, when you think about it, are almost identical to the reasons (excuses? dodges? flight responses?) we often hear when we ask people to sing with us:

  1. I never sang in choir.
  2. I'm tone deaf.
  3. I just sing in the shower... no one wants to hear me sing.
  4. I could never learn that.
  5. I don't have enough time.

Read the full story for solutions to these fears.