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Top Bulletin Editors announced!

The results are in! PROBE (Public Relations Officers and Bulletin Editors) has recognized the top four editors in the 2015 International Bulletin Contest.

2015 PROBE International Bulletin Contest (2014 Bulletins)

The Orange Spiel John Alexander SUN 
The Tampa Herald Roxanne Clapp SUN 
Concho Capers * Paul White SWD 
Toosday Toons Bob Heim MAD 

* Paul White’s Concho Capers is the winner of the Dick Girvin Most Improved Bulletin Award.

PROBE serves as a support system to mentor, tutor, and provide contests for our hard-working communicators, whether they edit bulletins (printed or electronic), edit a website, and/or promote the heck out of this wonderful obsession we call Barbershopping. The winners will be their chapters as these editors will take what they have learned to improve their bulletins for their members. To learn more about PROBE (or join for $10 yearly) visit

A new PROBE board was elected at our annual meeting in Pittsburgh:

  • President Steven Jackson
  • Imm. Past President John Elving
  • Secretary Lowell Shank
  • Treasurer Jon Wagner
  • VP, Bulletin Editors Jerry Daiker
  • VP, PR/Marketing Stephen Rafe
  • VP, Membership Elbert Ford
  • VP, Web/Webmaster Lyle Southam

We are excited with the challenges and opportunities that presents themselves in this media-savvy world of ours. Won’t you join us? We plan on accomplishing great things together.


Steven Jackson