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Eventbrite Best Practices: Use the right keywords for your barbershop event!

Keywords are king

Keywords are simply the words that people will likely type into search engines, like Google, to find your event online. So using the right keywords for your event is elementary, yet very important. Believe it or not, we’ve come across some barbershop events in Eventbrite that didn’t include the word ’barbershop’ anywhere in their event name, summary, or description! It was likely just an oversight, but let’s not forget the obvious. If the right keywords aren’t included in your event summary, people will not be able to find your event online.

These keywords should most likely be included in your event name:

  • Your quartet, chorus, chapter, or district name
  • Barbershop
  • Your city and/or state

Most of these keywords should be included in your event description:

As you write your event description, consider using as many of these words that apply to your event. And yes, reiterate the same keywords from your event name:

  • Your quartet, chorus, chapter, or district name
  • Barbershop
  • Your city and/or state
  • Singing
  • A cappella
  • Vocal
  • Music
  • Names of any featured guests
  • Performance
  • Show
  • Convention
  • Audition
  • Rehearsal

Share your ideas!

What are some other keywords that have worked well for you in the past? Leave a comment below to share your ideas with your fellow barbershoppers!

Check out these articles with more ideas for creating great event listings in Eventbrite:

8 Quick Ways to Create a Great Event Listing

4 Reasons Why Your Event Description is Hurting Attendance

5 Different Ways to Describe Your Event