BHS dues rates to increase
Acknowledging financial realities while emerging from post-pandemic recovery, the Barbershop Harmony Society will increase its base dues rate beginning February 1, 2024. This is the first increase in base dues since 2018. This $36 increase to the base BHS annual membership dues was approved by the Society Board of Directors in concurrence with the adopted 2024 budget. Discounts for seniors and youth will continue to be applied.
Across 2020-2023, revenue decreased by $9 million due to pandemic-related drops in member subscriptions, canceled or reconfigured conventions and schools, reduced philanthropy revenue, and losses in merchandise sales.
“This is a necessary post-pandemic stability action,” said Steve Denino, interim CEO/Executive Director. “The Society weathered the hardship along with everyone and absorbed losses to buffer the impact. “
Denino went on to say that during this unprecedented period, every effort was made to avoid a dues increase while ensuring that core programming continued uninterrupted. These efforts included a significant reduction in headquarters staff as well as limitations on marketing, outreach, and event activity. Additionally, even with decreased philanthropic support, maintaining connections among members remained a top priority. Even through the tough times, core programming has continued uninterrupted.
The resiliency of the barbershop culture has not only sustained the organization through the difficult challenges but also positioned itself to once again serve as a vibrant home for the beauty of four-part harmony. Membership is rebounding and participation in choruses and quartets continues to grow. Even with recovering membership numbers, the existing dues rate cannot fully sustain the Society.
Much of the increase simply catches up with US inflation over the past few years. Throughout the pandemic, the Society maintained its existing dues levels to buffer the financial impacts felt everywhere. This dues increase, which reflects economic trends and inflation over the past five years, will empower the extension and influence of our Barbershop culture in the near future, setting a course for long-term sustainability. As part of its normal budgeting process, the Society Board of Directors reviewed projected budgets for 2025 and 2026, which project positive budget balances and an ever-improving financial position.
“Creating a balanced and realistic budget for 2024 that is cash-flow positive is critical for the stability of the organization,” Denino continued. “ But the safety of stability, while always needed, is not where we want to solely reside. There are exciting initiatives on the horizon and all of BHS, from the Board of Directors to the staff to our beloved members need to know that it’s all right to start dreaming again.”
Current dues rates until January 31
Member Class | Annual Rate | Monthly Rate |
Regular (Age 26-74) | $144 | $16 |
Youth (Age 25 and under) | $72 (50% discount) | $8 |
Senior (Age 75+) | $108 (25% discount) | $12 |
Harmony Fellows (50+ years of service) | FREE! | FREE! |
Beginning February 1
Member Class | Annual Rate | Monthly Rate |
Regular (Age 26-74) | $180 | $20 |
Youth (Age 25 and under) | $90 (50% discount) | $10 |
Senior (Age 75+) | $135 (25% discount) | $15 |
Harmony Fellows (50+ years of service) | FREE! | FREE! |
Options to Save
Option 1:
Is your renewal date between now and April 1, 2024? Renew by February 1st for the current rates!
Option 2: Available to all members, regardless of renewal date!
Renew BHS dues for three years by January 31, 2024 and save 20% off the new rate! Selecting this option will extend your Society BHS membership for three years; district and chapter dues will continue to be billed as normal.*
Member Class | Three-year price |
Regular (Age 26-74) | $432 |
Senior (Age 75+) | $324 |
Youth (Age 25 and under) | $216 |
*Please note: Harmony Hall staff will send an invoice for the member’s three year Society subscription. Members whose age will change their classification during the next three years, will be charged based upon eligibility (e.g., a 74-year-old member will pay for 1 year at the $144 Regular rate and 2 years at the $108 Senior rate.)
Additional Options:
If you are currently paying annually, consider converting to the monthly plan when you renew, to spread your payments across 12 months.
Would you like to help fellow chapter members? Learn how to renew on behalf of someone else.
Reach out to our Community Care Team for personal assistance. We won’t let you stop singing barbershop harmony!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be in the 60-day renewal window to receive the previous rate?
Yes! You must make a payment in full, and have a renewal date that falls between now and April 1, 2024 to receive the previous rate. If you choose the three-year purchase option, you must submit the three-year renewal form no later than January 31, 2024.
Where do I find my renewal date?
Please review this tutorial on how to locate your current renewal date.
After logging in to Member Center, the home screen will display "You are up for renewal" if you are within the 60-day renewal period. Yes! You must make a payment in full, and have a renewal date that falls between now and April 1, 2024 to receive the previous rate. If you choose the three-year purchase option, you must submit the three-year renewal form no later than January 31, 2024.

How does this affect Youth, Seniors, and Lifetime memberships?
These discounts will continue, and apply to the new BHS base dues rate of $180. The new rates apply at your next renewal date after February 1, or your next monthly dues payment after January 31, 2024.
When will this changed rate hit my monthly auto draft?
For members on annual renewal, this will occur on your first dues billing after January 31.
For members on monthly billing, this will appear on your first payment scheduled after January 31.
How do I purchase three years at the discounted rate?
Please submit the three-year renewal form no later than January 31, 2024, and a BHS staff member will send you an invoice for payment.
If I purchase three years of BHS membership, does this lock in my District and Chapter dues also?
Districts and chapters will continue to set and confirm their dues rates annually, for maximum flexibility. These dues will continue to be paid according to your established subscription terms and renewal dates.
Why now? Why not smaller steps along the way?
Throughout the pandemic, the Society maintained its existing dues levels to buffer the financial impacts felt everywhere, even suspending dues on request for members facing hardship. Projecting the length and strength of general economic recovery has been elusive, and the Board wished to maintain a reliable dues rate for members as long as practical.
Why not use funds from selling the building?
No sale has taken place to date, and proceeds would not necessarily be realized immediately— but the current financial needs are real. More broadly speaking, the decision to capture the growth in value of this major asset was made for strategic future investment, not immediate operating funds.
Additional Questions?