It was a busy barbershop weekend for several Districts! Check out the links below to see scoring summaries...
Cardinal District

District Seniors Quartet Champion: Sound Reunion
Plateau AAA Most Improved Chorus: Magic City Music Men (Muncie, IN)
Plateau AAAA Most Improved Chorus: Valleyaires (South Bend Mishawaka, IN)
District Plateau AAA Champion: Magic City Music Men (Muncie, IN)
District Plateau AAAA Champion: Circle City Sound (Indianapolis, IN)
International Youth Quartet Qualifiers: Cutting Edge- 843 (70.2)
International Quartet Qualifiers:
Forefront- 2198 (91.6)
Late Shift- 1914 (79.8)
Rooftops- 1891 (78.8)
Find links to all scores and score sheets here!

Carolinas District
Most Improved Chorus: Tarheel Chorus (Greensboro, NC)
District Chorus Champion: Carolina Vocal Express
District Plateau A Champion: Triad Harmony Express (Winston-Salem, NC)
District Plateau AA Champion: Heart of Carolina (Central Carolina, NC)
International Youth Quartet Qualifiers: No Strings Attached
International Quartet Qualifiers:
Zero Hour - 80.2
Let's Sing! - 77.5
International Chorus Qualifier (Vegas, 2017): Carolina Vocal Express
Find links to all scores and score sheets here!

Dixie District

Most Improved Chorus: Southern Splendor Chorus (Athens, AL)
District Chorus Champion: Crimson Pride Chorus (Tuscaloosa, AL)
International Youth Quartet Qualifiers: Ohana Means Family - 77.3
International Quartet Qualifiers:
MC4 - 79.3
Glen Arven Avenue - 77.5
Instant Message - 77.4
Dad Wagon - 76.3
The Summit - 76.0 (Out of District)
Find links to all scores and score sheets here!

Far Western District

Southeast Division Most Improved Chorus: Silver Statesmen (Las Vega, NV)
Southwest Division Most Improved Chorus: Pacific Sound (Rincon Beach, CA)
Southeast Division Champion: Pacific Coast Harmony (La Jolla, CA)
Southwest Division Champion: Pacific Sound (Rincon Beach, CA)
International Quartet Qualifiers:
Artistic License - 85.6
The Newfangled Four - 82.7
American Pastime - 78.6
*Youth Quartet Representative will be announced once all qualifying contests have been completed.
Find links to all scores and score sheets here!

Northeastern District

Mountain Division Most Improved Chorus: Racing City Chorus (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Yankee Division Most Improved Chorus: Connecticut Yankee Chorus (Central CT)
Mountain Division Chorus Champion: Racing City Chorus (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Yankee Division Chorus Champion: Connecticut Yankee Chorus (Central CT)
*Youth Quartet Representative will be announced once all qualifying contests have been completed.
Find links to all scores and score sheets here!