NEA $15K grant will support directors and educators at Harmony University

The National Endowment for the Arts has awarded the Barbershop Harmony Society a $15,000 grant for the Music Educators And Directors Project at Harmony University 2022.
Attendance at HU will have a ripple effect for encouraging barbershop singing, especially among youth, for whom barbershop can provide an entry point to a lifetime of singing.
“The BHS is again honored to be an NEA grant recipient to fund the education and professional development for two important HU attendee populations: frontline barbershop chorus directors and music educators seeking to use barbershop in their classrooms," said Steve Scott, Director of Harmony University and Education Services. "Both groups will gain more knowledge, skill, and experience in directing, rehearsal techniques, repertoire, vocal pedagogy, and barbershop history and style to enhance their capacity to make barbershop music with their ensembles and share with their communities. HU has a proud tradition of first-class education and the NEA grant recipients will be thrilled with their experience.”
The 2022 award is the third NEA grant earned by the Society. The continuing success of the program demonstrates the value that BHS brings to music programs in schools and communities.
Scholarship applications opening soon
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ABOUT THE NEA: This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit