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New BHS Quartets | FAQs

FAQs for New BHS Quartets

When and where can I sign up my quartet?

Visit to register your quartet.

What are the rules for naming a quartet?

Registering any BHS quartet package includes name exclusivity. See Operational Guidelines for Quartets for naming guidelines.

What if I start out with the Basic Package and then decide to upgrade mid-year (for example, to compete)?

Yes, you may upgrade mid-year. To upgrade at any time, the quartet admin (contact) should:

  1. Log into Member Center
  2. Select "Manage My SCs" and select your quartet
  3. In the top right corner (under the contact's name), click the down arrow for more options, and select "Upgrade Quartet Subscription Package"
  4. Follow the prompts to upgrade your quartet package

Can I get a refund if my quartet does not use all of the services?

Current quartets are able to upgrade their status and pay the difference in the middle of an annual subscription. However, BHS cannot refund a portion of your quartet dues if you decide to select a more limited quartet package in the middle of an annual subscription.

Can I roll this into my monthly membership?

No. Monthly payments are only available for BHS individual membership dues. Monthly payments for quartet registrations are not offered at this time.

Can I be in more than one registered quartet?

Absolutely! Just register your quartet on

Once my quartet is registered can we change members?

Yes! The quartet admin (contact) can change quartet personnel in their quartet profile in Member Center. There is no fee to switch out members of your quartet.

What if one of my quartet members is not a member of the Society?

In order to register a quartet, each person must be an active member of the Society.

How do I sign up for contests?

Competition is only available for quartets at the Standard Package. Competition entry is based on your quartet’s chosen District affiliation. Your quartet contact will receive information when your District’s contest entry windows are open. View information on entering a BHS contest.